Beginner Laser Engraver's Supply List


Beginner Laser Engraver's Supply List

Laser engraving has quickly become a popular hobby and business venture, offering the ability to create intricate designs on various materials with precision and speed. If you're new to the world of laser engraving, you might be wondering where to start and what supplies are essential to kickstart your journey. Fear not, as this blog post will provide you with a comprehensive beginner's supply list, helping you get started on your laser engraving adventure.

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CO2 Laser Engraver

Aeon Mira 9 Laser Engraver

Aeon Mira 9 is an amazing CO2 laser engraver that I use to create products for sale on Shopify, Etsy, Faire, Jane and other eCommerce sites. If you'd like more information about an Aeon laser engraver or have questions, CLICK HERE. Their customer service is one of the best in the industry. 


Personal protection equipment is required. Don’t risk the damage to yourself, or anyone or any pets, near your laser engraver.

You must wear eye protection safety goggles when running a Class 4 CO2 laser such as the Aeon Mira. Without safety precautions the direct radiation or even diffuse reflected radiation is dangerous. Exposure to laser radiation can burn the cornea of your eyes, burn your skin and catch materials on fire.

Fire Extinguisher

This is another item you do not want to skimp on. You will need a Halotron or dry-chemical fire extinguisher for your CO2 laser.

Laser Ready Designs

If you're a beginner, having easy to cut, laser ready designs will make all the difference! Look for our Mira 9 laser tutorials coming soon!

Laser Ready Cut Files & Designs by So Very Graphic

Laser Safe Materials

I use a variety of materials from various suppliers and some of my favorite include Smokey Hill Designs, Underwood Works & JDS Industries.

Digital Calipers

These are a must have tool. Once you use them, you'll never want to go without them! A digital caliper measures the thickness of your material so you can adjust designs accordingly.

Digital Calipers are a must have laser engraving tool


I have several sanders in our wood shop but I really like the results I get from this handy dandy sander when using hardwoods and for cutting boards.

Air Compressor

You can use an air compressor for so many tasks including cleaning off engraved materials & cleaning out the laser bed. I love my air compressor! It’s not super loud and doesn’t take up much space in my laser studio.

Masking Tape

Masking tape works for masking designs before cutting so you can paint them afterwards. It also helps keep small laser cut pieces together when removing them from the bed or when you want to paint them.

Adhesive / Glue

Laser cut designs with layers will require adhesive to bond them together, which depends on the material you are using.

My favorite adhesive is 3M - try these 12x12 sheets to see how they cut down on production time to glue individual pieces. It's a game changer! If you prefer to buy in bulk rolls, Adhesive Ninja has the best pricing in the US and great customer service. 

For precision gluing small pieces, such as earrings, this glue is one of the best! And it has micro applicators to help with the application. 

Beginner Laser Engravers Supply List by So Very Graphic Designs

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